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Social Pressure: Blind Embossing Night

Bonjour Photo-etching 1981

Come create art, or just watch and be social!  Tonight we'll feel our way around blind embossing, the art of making an image by pressing paper into subtle relief. No ink is involved.

Introduction and simple instruction begin at 6:30. Limited workspace is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Plates, paper, and relief object materials will be supplied. We'll be using scissors to cut relief objects from plastic. You can bring materials and/or found objects of your own to create images. If it has a bit of thickness, can lie flat, can survive compression, has no sharp edges, and is less than 8" x 10", it's likely to work for this project.

As always, you are welcome to bring beverages and snacks to share.

$5 suggested donation. Hands-on participants add $10 for materials.